Saturday, February 5, 2011

{Written Jan 26th 2011) This Too Shall Pass

If only we could take more of a way "this to shall pass" approach to life, we would suffer so much less. No event is an end point. No incident is the last word on life. One of the ways you can pursue happiness is to allow life to ebb and flow all around you, and not hold on to any event or possession too tightly. Whatever you are going through right now is not the end of the story. There's always more. There will be mysterious twists and turns that you can't even predict.

All things considered, taking a broad view of life, are you satisfied? Are you content? I don't mean in this moment, or even this day, but overall. Even if you feel that money is tight or circumstances are running against you right now, are you content? The poor in spirit are content because they have come within an inch of losing all hope. Because they know how it feels to be on the edge of spiritual devestation, they hold only loosely to things, and perspectives. Those who trust that all things come and go at the right time are content at peace.

So all things considered, are you satisfied? Are you content? True happiness is realized in the broken places of life. Your life glistens in the sun and chimes with the sound of acceptance. It's beautiful even with the cracks. When you have to come to terms with your brokeness, you don't need to pretend you are anything other than who you are in each moment. When you have accepted that each situation is what it needs to be, you stop resisting reality. As the Tao te Ching says, "If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to." Stop striving to perserve meaningful moments by putting them in a bottle. Stop trying to make your possessions immortal by storing them on a shelf. Let life come and go around you with humble curiosity and open ended wonder for this to shall pass.

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