Thursday, February 3, 2011

{Originally Written Dec 7th, 2010} Not a Test

This is not a test.

You will not be graded on spelling, typos, grammer, and punctuation. As long as you use your voice, you win.

You do not have to impress anyone to be liked. You are simply amazing just the way you are. Remember people who have it don't need to say it.

Love is not finite. The more you love the more love that comes back to you.

Other people's thoughts, reactions, beliefs, behaviors....have little to nothing to do with you. Others have their own vision skewed with perception and MIS-perceptions. Have you ever thought that what you communicate might be different than what is heard?

You are not responsible for the weight of the world. Take that globe of over-responsibility off of your weary shoulders and comere *wiggles a crooked finger at you* ...I give good shoulder rubs :P

There is no right/wrong, good/bad, pass/fail. This is all a myth of perception placed on us by grown ups. It's all experience. Every piece a vital part of your life mantra. Don't judge the universe. Some Tibetan guy said that. He's smart.

Kindness is all there is.

Embrace yourself in everyway possible. You are the only've got. This is not arrogance. This is inclusive. For the more you love yourself ...the more you'll unconditionally embrace others.

Sad is not fail. Tears are healing.

You look amazing when you smile. Yep, reliable sources say this is so ;o)

Somwhere, someone is thinking of you with great fondness. Thoughts are energy. You're being given energy shots without your knowledge. Be aware of this :)

The only person you should try to impress is yourself. If you're not your own number one fan than I shall send you a huge foam finger with #1 on it! Yes, you have to wear it!

Accept that you are beautifully flawed. Some of the most endearing characteristics are labeled as "bad". This is simply untrue. I like it when you snort like a pig when you laugh. Oh, and that hogging the covers thing? Makes me smile....everytime.

Know that you are loved beyond measure. Whether you realize it or not.

You....are enough to handle anything thrown your way. Really.

And...this is not a test. Grades are for amateurs. Real folks know that it's in the suiting up and showing up. That's enough.

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