Thursday, February 3, 2011

{Originally Written Dec 9th, 2010} Strength in Softness...

I fall often. Fall short of goals I set, stubbing my toe on the cracks in the sidewalk of life. I scuff my knees, years of tiny white scars remind me of lessons learned the hardway. Today the loveliness of comparing scars with you has sustained me in times of woe. No longer blocked from the sunlight of the spirit that is One, I raise my sparkling baby blues to the sky instead of focusing on the blood dripping from my proverbial shins. Ever daring to hope that it is safe again.

It IS safe. It is ok to cry and be comforted.

I am safe even if pinched on the tuckus by mean spirited types who are sad and bitter because they don't dig themselves. Ouchies can be soothed and caressed away by the kindness of love. Ever growing from such pains, I revel in the strength that is me; nothing that there is only a me because of the great recovery of WE.

Strength that comes from softness. Gentleness and sincerity and for the love of all that is most high. Sweetness personified, pearls of light whispered from the gap between my front teeth. Kindness without expectation. Love in word and deed, no typical paycheck in sight.

Takes mucho strength to say "help me" and "please kiss my booboo". Every single time I give, I get back. Then I give back and "get" yet again. Cosmic karma like a boomerang. Lve is exponential; never finite. The more you give the bigger it becomes; snowballing avalanche style until you are engulfed in the sweet softness of living with kindness and compassion.

I do so because I AM so...softness and strength. Paradoxical in the way that we drunks and crackheads GET ...surrender to win soft to be strong. We don't have to yell to be heard; sometimes the loudest voice is the one whispered.

Old timers with wise smiles understand as much. A well placed word or two gets the job done sometime better than a twenty minute tirade of angst and in your face. Calmness and grace, emotional fortitude and the swinging swagger of peace, joyful expressions permeate through them.

YES...this is the good stuff. What I wanna be; strive and grove to see in me. Strength in softness, let me lift you effortlessly with a whisper of sweetness and love.

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