1. Having or composed of only one thing, element or part. See synonyms at pure.
2. Not involved or complicated; easy; a simple task. See synonyms at easy.
3. Being without additions or modifacations; mere: a simple "yes" or "no".
Okay maybe this applies.
4. Having little or no ornamentation; not embellished or adorned: a simple dress.
I never dress without ornamentation.
5. Not elaborate, elegant or luxurious. See synonyms at plain.
Plain?? WTF??
6. Unassuming or unpretenious; not affected.
Eh. Perhaps.
7. Having or manifesting little sense or intelligence.
8. Uneducated; ignorant.
9. Unworldly or unsophistocated. See synonyms at naive.
Err....how about kiss my ass dictionary!!
10. Not guileful for decietful; sincere.
In recovery? We don't even know we're lying half the time!
11. Humble or lowly in condition or rank; a simple woodcutter.
12. Ordinary or common: a simple head cold.
Common??? I don't think so bub!
13. Being a fundamental or rudimentary element; basic.
Just quit it. Sure.
14. Not important or significant; trivial.
Not even a little bit.
15. {Biology} Having no division or branches, no compound: a simple leaf, a simple eye or lens.
16. {Music} Being without figuration or elaboration: a simple tone.
One note gets boring.
17. A person of humble birth or condition.
No. We are extraordinary.
So funny thing. The word simple has nineteen different definitions. Oxymoronical? Ironic? Maybe. But to simply slap a "simple program for complicated people" sticker on anything that is too deep for anything that asks questions ...well see definition number 2 under NOUN.
Is this a great disclaimer for people not following the program. Judgement statement of grand design? Maybe we should all just stop thinking and only speak of John Barleycorn and the good oldtimers. Hmmph. I have a brain. I use it. This is NOT contra-indicated to recovery. Meaning ....WE ARE NO MORE COMPLICATED THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THIS WORLD. Alcoholics and addicts certainly don't corner the market on pain or complexity.
We are SICK. Suffering from a disease that tells us that we don't have one. With subtleties and symptoms that vary ...most of which deal with denial. The rich river of lies that clutter the landscape of heathful recovery living. That ...is what blocks us. A simple answer to someone justifying their behaviors would be "you're sick. you're sick. you're sick. you're sick." Really? If it were that simple then we wouldn't have 12 steps.
The things we attempt to complicate recovery with are the "yea buts" ...trying to disqualify. It CAN'T be me. I'm not this. Blah blah blah blah. A woman I know, epically wise in her word choices, "Yea just don't drink and go to meetings. We call that, 'a dry drunk'."
Recovery comes from the work. The willingness to DO WHAT'S SUGGESTED IN THE DAMN MEETNGS. It's not simple or easy ...it's HARD work. SO WHAT? Coddling people is never a good choice. Saving your life is worth it. I prefer truth.
Perhaps the term we should use instead of simple is REAL. No more YEA BUT'S. NO justifying. NO rationalizing but, heart wrenching raw truth. "I'm sick and I'm going to die if I don't do something different." No more bullshit. Simple program with 12 steps. Simple would be ONE step.
1. Quit it.
Instead of trying to be cute with all the sayings ...maybe just listen. Share your experience. Quit all the razzle dazzle and trying to impress with acronyms in your comments. Maybe ...just maybe if you share the REAL ...being genuine in emotion and experience ...you may get better. And quite possibly help someone else along the way.
I'm not a slogan person. Trite sayings (ie ...lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition) Blech. They seem to help some. I'm glad for that. But I'm never a fan of trite. Ever. There is a BIG difference between simple and purposeful. Between trite and sincere. BIG DIFF!!
So when someone says, "K.I.S.S." or "simple program blah blah blah" laugh a little to yourself. Think of a Sassy Sober Girl getting all huffy and mouthing "trite" under her breath. And then you can thank the gods that you're not as sick as she is....to let a few words get under your skin. Or if this post pisses you off ...maybe you ARE like me. I like the idea of that. -_^
Progress not perfection right? Right.
Maybe it's just the hundreds of times I've heard Keep It Simple Stupid say to people in real pain, sharing the complexity of the human condition; a simple wanting to be heard ....that burns my proverbial ass. Words have power AND a boomerang effect. Watch telling other what to do versus sharing what YOU did....it always comes back to bite ya.
It's a 'workable' program. A 'possible' program. A 'hope-filled' program. A "solution". A 'freedom.' A 'way out of the sick.' A design for living. I don't recall seeing simple OR stupid in any AA or NA literature for that matter. *Shrugs* Did I mention how much I detest slogan-ism?
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